Dark Chocolate Dipped Almond Butter Cookies with Rose Salt

Dark Chocolate Dipped Almond Butter Cookies with Rose SaltWe're back! It has been an incredible few months! I've been working hard on the manuscript for my Floral Libations book which I just can't wait to hold in my hands. I'm feeling so inspired and am excited to share this fun new recipe just in time for Valentine's Day. Dark Chocolate Dipped Almond Butter Cookies with Rose Salt...they are super yummy and simple to make.On another note, I decided to jump on Facebook finally for those who prefer that social media outlet. Hop on over and give our page a like!Now back to these fabulous cookies...

Dark Chocolate Dipped Almond Butter Cookies with Rose Salt

Makes about 15 cookies


1/2 cup organic almond butter (at room temperature)Half cup organic unsalted butter, softened1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar1/2 cup super fine sugar1 organic large egg1/2 teaspoon vanilla extractHalf teaspoon baking soda1/2 teaspoon baking powder1 1/4 cups organic all-purpose flour, siftedOne teaspoon rose salt or fine salt1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.In a bowl of a stand mixer fit with a paddle attachment, cream the almond butter, butter, brown sugar, and sugar for about 2 minutes. Add the egg and vanilla extract and continue to beat until fully incorporated. Using a separate bowl, mix together the baking soda, baking powder, and flour. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the bowl of the stand mixer while on low speed until just combined.*Note: If you are short on time, simply add 1/2 teaspoon of rose salt and the dark chocolate chips to the cookie dough at this point for Dark Chocolate Chip Almond Butter Cookies with Rose Salt...they are super tasty as well!Roll into heaping tablespoon-sized balls and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Flatten with a fork in a criss-cross fashion. Bake for about 6 minutes until the edges are just golden. Cool on a wire rack for about 5-10 minutes before dipping in the dark chocolate.In a small saucepan, place the dark chocolate chips over low heat and begin mixing immediately. Continue to stir until the chips just melt then remove from heat and continue to stir. Once the chocolate has become glossy, dip one side of each cookie into the chocolate. Place the cookies on a piece of parchment paper to cool. Sprinkle with a touch of rose salt.Recipe adapted from Genius KitchenInspired by Lindsay Maitland Hunt's Healthy-ish CookbookPhotography by Cassie Winslow


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