Apricot Rose Gin Lemon Drop
Apricot Rose Gin Lemon Drop
Summer is around the corner and sipping on something colorful and fragrant is good for the soul...this Apricot Rose Gin Lemon Drop has been making an appearance in our household quite regularly as it's refreshing, pretty, and a great use of those few extra apricots you have waiting for you on the counter. It is truly a lovely way to celebrate the anticipated stone fruit season.
Apricot Rose Gin Lemon Drop
Makes two cocktails
1 apricot, pitted and sliced
1/4 cup sugar
2 Tbsp water
1 Tbsp organic dried roses
1/4 cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice
4 oz gin
1/4 cup ice
Into a medium sized saucepan over medium heat, combine the sliced apricot, sugar, water, and roses. Bring to a simmer and reduce heat as needed-do not let the mixture boil. Simmer until the sugar has dissolved and the apricot has softened. Using a potato masher or a wooden spoon, break up the apricot slices.
Into a large fine mesh sieve placed over a medium-sized bowl, strain the syrup. Allow to cool slightly. Pour into a large cocktail shaker or glass.
Then, add lemon juice, gin, and ice. Using a stir stick or spoon, stir until well combined. Strain into two coupe or martini glasses of your choice. Garnish with a lemon wedge or fresh, organic rose bloom if you have one on hand. You can also rim the glass with rose salt if you wish.
This cocktail is also delicious served over ice so no need to strain if you prefer not to. Easy peasy!
Recipe by Cassie Winslow
Photography by Nicholas Winslow and Cassie Winslow
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